Today I went to Pride in Cincinnati. I took tons of pictures, some of which you can see here. There are more at Yahoo! Photos.
My friends Jim and David, owners of Q Gifts, were there with a full crew (including my favorite Q boi), a fully-stocked booth, and lots of customers even before the festival started.
Part of the fun of going to gay pride events is people watching.
I just liked this ad.
The rain held out long enough for everyone in the parade to get to the park, and then heaven's floodgates opened!
Okay, since June is Gay Pride Month, I figured it might be appropriate to point out some fun gay sites. Today's is Joe Boys, showcasing the art of Joe Phillips, who seems to have a definite taste for twinks of all colors.
So check it out if you want some free eye candy. And there's stuff to buy too. (No, I don't get any money for this.) The dancer boi, who has a link on Joe's front page, is fun. |
Today's fun gay site is Kyle's Bed and Breakfast, a gay comic strip by Greg Fox. Combination gay soap opera and homo-erotic drawings. Fun!
Okay, today's not about a fun gay site but rather about yesterday's being the last day of COM101 for the quarter. Three of the TA's are not returning next year. Julia (center, to Dr. Pruett's left) is graduating, and the Jessicas (to Julia's left) are focusing on their other student jobs next year. So we took a final group picture.
Julia thought it would be a good idea for us to get Dr. Pruett a parting gift, which we did, a nice bottle of whiskey. Dr. Pruett protested that we're not paid enough to buy him gifts (true), but I think he was pleased.
He'd had an interesting day. Earlier in the day a disgruntled student came in and called him a dickhead. So of course everyone in the COM department called Dr. Pruett "Dickhead" too (we TA's had to call him "Dr. Dickhead").
Dr. Dickhead got to have a little fun helping me get a picture of my officemate, Jessica M. She doesn't like having her picture taken, as you can see. Perhaps this borders on harrassment.
After all the picture taking, Julia, Jessica W., and I were off to 116 Health Sciences to proctor the second COM101 final. I took a picture of the hard-working students to commemorate the occasion. |
Yesterday was the last of my finals and to celebrate afterwards Derek and I went through the pouring rain down to Cincinnati, to eat at Hamburger Mary's and then to see Corpus Christi.
Since the play has festival seating, we got to Gabriel's Corner, Know Theatre's performing space, a bit early to be sure we'd get good seats. I'd known from The Only Juan's blog that Corpus Christi was stirring up a bit of controversy in Cincinnati so we weren't surprised to see protesters. However what I hadn't known was that Gabriel's Corner is in the basement of Salem United Church of Christ. (God I love the UCC!)
I'm sure the irony of that was lost on the protesters, most of whom were quiet Catholics marching and praying the Rosary. A smaller but much more vocal group of protestors were African Americans carrying "Die Pigs Die" signs and protesting racism. Derek and I laughed when one of them yelled at a cop, "I'm not yelling!" (and were glad we didn't get our faggot butts kicked since the protestor was yelling too loudly to hear us laughing at him). I overheard another black protester telling an older white man who'd gone over to talk to him that there was no point in dialogue because whites just could never get it. Of course I do believe in dialogue on racial issues. I have to wonder two things: why protest if you don't think you can change people's minds? and would Jesus really advocate death for our oppressors?
I enjoyed the play more than Derek did, I think. If you go, I should warn you that the seating is cramped and not particularly comfortable, that the play is one hour and 40 minutes with no intermission, and that it gets quite warm with all the bodies and lights. But the play is funny in many spots and touching, if a bit clich?d, in others. The sight of a balding, middle-aged gay man playing Mary upset one of the audience members, who had to be escorted out after his outburst. I can see where that casting choice and others could be upsetting to and considered blasphemous by some people, but those people don't have to go see the play.
I especially liked the play's opening, with John the Baptist baptizing each cast member with a sprinkle of water (I grew up in the Methodist church, which sprinkled instead of immersing, so that's probably another reason I'm going to hell). As he did this, John told each person that he celebrated his or her divinity. That jives with what I believe. We are created in God's image, and God, who is within us, can't act without us. So we can stifle God and protest violations of rules and traditions, or we can do what Jesus taught and work on making the world a better place. |
I went to Pride in Columbus yesterday and had a pretty good time. Felt mildly sorry for the few lonely protestors but thought the one with the "No Rear Entry" sign might really have been advertising in an ironic way. Saw some boobies which confirmed my homosexuality. Took pictures of shirtless boys which also confirmed my homosexuality.
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