Friday, April 22nd, 2016

Charming drivers

On the off chance that the charming people I met tonight around 10:15 pm on East First Street at St. Clair Street google “GAY CAR” and find this website, I thought I’d post a little “Hello!” for them.

They were rather displeased with me because they were in the inside lane but wanted to be in the outside lane, but I drove from the outside lane in front of them into the inside lane.

They hadn’t signaled and besides which they were slow, so I didn’t think I’d cut them off, and we both managed to be in the lanes we wanted when we got to the light.

However they clearly disagreed with my interpretation and did think I cut them off, earning me a honk. We were at the red light together so I rolled down my passenger-side window to ask what was wrong. The gentleman passenger was quite angry, yelling that I was an idiot. I pointed out to the lady driver that she hadn’t signaled, and she said that I hadn’t either. Usually I do signal, but even if she’s right, we were both wrong then.

And we were both rude. I ended our little chat with “Fuck you, and have a great life,” to which she replied, “Fuck you, and have an awful life.” We’re all such nice ladies and gentlemen.

They seemed like very angry people. I laughed to myself as they drove away. Maybe they did too, but I don’t really think so.

We should all learn to chill a bit. I’m not good at zen driving. Neither are they.

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