What I'm reading *

I've always read. While growing up, reading was a refuge when I found life too unpleasant or stressful. Consequently I've bought a lot of books over time as well.

Now that I'm no longer in the rich corporate phase of my life I've rediscovered the library. Dayton's library may be maligned by some but is still a great resource. One type of book I like to read is gay fiction and I was surprised to see a lot of it in the Dayton library's catalog. Plus you can even ask them to buy particular titles, and they will!

Below you can see the five most recent books either that I'm reading or that I've acquired. You can search my books, or you can see all my books. Also my classes page has links back to this page for the books for each class.

Class: ENG470

Title Author
2003-09-07 1878818341 The Quilt and Other Stories Chughtai, Ismat ENG470
  We read this book for ENG470 Constructions of Gender but it would have been appropriate for ENG359 Post-colonial Lit as well (actually there was some overlap in texts for these two classes). Chughtai is interesting not because she's one of the foremost Urdu authors (this book is an English translation of course) but also because she was unafraid of selecting controversial topics, including, for example, the title story in this book, "The Quilt," written in 1942 about a lesbian relationship and landing Chughtai in trouble with the censors.

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