Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Cox Media’s latest great idea

This doesn’t quite count as a Dayton Daily News fail, but I just found out, via a tweet from David Esrati, about Cox Media’s latest great idea,
Get there first! because if you don’t, DealSwarm may have gone the way of MeetFred.
a copy of Groupon that Cox is calling DealSwarm.

You can read the article press release about DealSwarm, “Cox Media launching discount program,” on the Dayton Daily News website (this is one article they won't try to make you pay to read.

Perhaps, instead of the mocking being dished out by David Esrati and now me, Cox Media deserves some credit for continuing to try to expand their business.
Alas, poor Fred is dead.
Perhaps Cox Media will be more successful with DealSwarm than they were with Or perhaps in a few years, will also be a placeholder, owned by some Chinese domain squatter.

Friday, June 15th, 2007
Fred blog posts
Fred’s most recent blog posts
as of early morning Friday the 15th

I visited my friend Fred again this morning and saw a couple sad things. One was that Fred’s blogpost roll showed that he’s had only 7 posts since lunch time on Monday, as you can see to the right. The most recent post was late evening yesterday, and the 8th post from the top was lunch time on Monday. Fred doesn’t see a lot of activity :(.

What makes it sadder for Fred is that that post on Monday was announcing the result of a photo contest in which, near as I can tell, everyone who entered either won or got an honorable mention. Fred announced the contest on June 8th and got two entries that day, one entry June 9th and two entries June 10th, all of which are also featured in the aforementioned WINNER OF THE FRED PHOTO CONTEST! entry still lingering around on Fred’s latest blogs and announcements.

Poor guy.

Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

Have you met Fred? I've known Fred since October of last year. I was reading the Dayton Daily News online, and Fred invited me to join his site in order to win stuff, so I did (join, that is — haven't won shit). I haven't paid Fred much attention since, only checking in on him if he or one of his friends e-mails me, which doesn't happen often but did happen today.

Fred is Cox Ohio Publishing's answer to MySpace, but Fred is to MySpace as Dayton is to New York City, or perhaps actually as Fairborn is to New York City. As of right now, Tuesday afternoon, the newest post is actually from "late morning" today, but the 10th newest (Fred shows you the 10 latest "blogs and announcements") was from "evening time" on the 15th. In other words, less than 10 posts a day, so you don't have to check constantly to avoid missing anything.


When I visit Fred I like to check out how many men (350), women (409), marrieds (61), singles (100), breeders (190), queers (only 7, including me, so Fred won't be replacing any time soon) he knows. Neither marrieds + singles nor breeders + queers adds up to the total number of men + women, so I'm guessing people have to pick a gender but not the rest. Adding men + women shows that poor Fred has only 759 friends. I'm surprised Fred isn't ashamed to give these various totals. Even Hillary Clinton has 10,734 MySpace friends.

One person who's not Fred's friend is David Esrati, who mocked Fred shortly after his birth and likes to mock Fred's family. No, I don't know Esrati's MeetFred screen name.


I'd always thought Fred was a local creation, since back when Fred knew only 4 queers, shortly after his birth, I'd been surprised to discover that I knew two of them, a couple who live in my apartment building on my floor and both of whom actually work for Cox taking care of, among other things, Fred. But Esrati seems to think that Fred runs on Drupal, and looking at the headers of the message I got from Fred today, I realized that Fred actually lives in California, at DreamHost, not with his folks at CoxOhio.

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