Cross Creek pictures:   Fall festival 2003  River baptism 2004  2004 retreat day 1  2004 retreat day 2  2004 retreat day 3  Fall festival 2004  2005 retreat day 1  Stations of the Cross - Good Friday 2006  2006 retreat day 1  2006 retreat day 2  2006 retreat day 3  Summer picnic 2007  River baptism 2009

Good Friday Stations of the Cross walk for justice and peace: April 14, 2006 This year was the first that Cross Creek along with College Hill Presbyterian, our partner church, participated in the annual Stations of the Cross justice walk downtown. The justice walk puts a twist on the traditional stations of the cross by having churches and groups sponsor stations to focus on particular justice issues by reading Scripture as well as relevant contemporary quotes. Cross Creek sponsored station 8, Jesus meets the weeping women of Jerusalem, focusing on discrimination. We had a great turnout, and our station was unique in that we had multiple readers and our own special song, "All Are Welcome," by Marty Haugen. Click on a thumbnail to see a larger version. Hover over a thumbnail to read the caption.

I walked downtown from the Miami Valley Fair Housing Center, where I'm working, and on the way I got pictures of Private Fair atop his monument.