DDRR facilitators workshop:   July 12, 2002  April 26, 2003  DDRR facilitators workshop 02-24-07  February 14, 2009  August 6, 2009  October 25, 2009

I've been a facilitator for the Dayton Dialogue on Race Relations since 2001. Periodically the facilitators get together for in-service workshops. This one was held at the Miami Valley Fair Housing Center and was co-facilitated by DDRR facilitator Tom Wahlrab, coordinator of the Dayton Mediation Center, and by Rowena Jordan, of Antioch University and the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. It was a good opportunity for us to think about our committment to DDRR and how to make DDRR better. (Plus having food, this time from Kohler Catering (great mushroom soup!), is always good!) Click on a thumbnail to see a larger version. Hover over a thumbnail to read the caption.

As usual the meeting started with greetings and food!