New Orleans:   June 2, 2007  June 3, 2007  June 4, 2007  June 5, 2007  June 6, 2007

NFHA scheduled their conference in New Orleans to raise awareness of the impact that Hurricane Katrina has had on the city, especially on poor people and African Americans. Today we got out of the French Quarter and toured the city, not only the infamous Lower Ninth Ward but also St. Bernard's Parish, some housing projects and some better off neighborhoods. James Perry, executive director of the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center, was the guide on my bus. He told of blatantly discriminatory ads for rental units, of differences in levees by poor and rich neighborhoods, of lack of insurance and valid property titles due to poor consumer education, and of unflooded public housing closed despite the affordable housing shortage in New Orleans. Click on a thumbnail to see a larger version. Hover over a thumbnail to read the caption.

John, looking dapper, prepares to board the bus.